1974 PA-28-151 Piper Warrior
First certified on August 9th, 1973, by the Piper aircraft company. This aircraft is a four-place, with fixed landing gear, 150 horsepower, and a has a gross weight of 2,325 lbs. The Warrior is great for training and cross country flights throughout the Midwest. Rental rate is $175 per hour including fuel.
​Aircraft Specifications
Engine: 150 horsepower Lycoming O-320-E3D
Fuel capacity: 48 gallons
Gross weight: 2,325 lbs
Empty weight: 1,336 lbs
Maximum payload: 948 lbs
Range: 626 nautical miles
Takeoff distance: 1,065 ft
Landing distance: 595 ft
Rate of climb: 649 ft per minute
Max speed: 117 knots
Normal cruise speed: 110 knots
Stall speed: 50 knots
Service ceiling: 12,700 ft
Aircraft Avionics​
Garmin GI-275 (Attitude Direction Indicator)
Garmin GI-275 (Horizontal Situation Indicator)
Garmin GTN-750 xi
Garmin GTX-345 Transponder
Electronics International CGR-30P
Electronics International VA-1A volt amp instrument
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